codeonscreen A blind users view on website accessibility

A blind users view on website accessibility

Website accessibility is very important to me, as I pretty much do
everything online, and when a site is not accessible with my assistive
technology this not only irritates me, but effectively bars me from using
certain companies or services.

The worst cases are when a website is inaccessible and there is a booking or fee to access the same product/service by telephone, this in my
opinion is nothing more than a disability tax, when you can’t use the site
of a company and they then charge you to do the same thing by phone, when
it’s their fault the sites inaccessible in the first place.

Also, when online banking is either not accessible or not laid out in a user
friendly way it puts me off using that particular bank. I have closed my
Aqua credit card, due to their site’s new layout and the fact it won’t work
with my assistive technology, and was looking at switching to the
co-operative bank, but decided against it after trying out their online
banking which is very fiddly with screen readers.

It always annoys me when I contact a company regarding accessibility, and
they seem less than interested in actually doing anything about it
“thank you for your feedback which we’ll send onto the developers”
Your likely to see an improvement in about 3 years, if at all! Which doesn’t
help me there and then at the time.

I feel all companies should be bound by law, to make their sites accessible,
and when I come across company sites that aren’t accessible, especially big
companies, it discourages me from using said company.

By Guest Blogger- Craig Magee


If you need any assistance in improving your website accessibility then contact us today.