Calling all Optometrists, Dispensing Opticians and Contact Lens Opticians it’s time to focus-in on sight loss.
Thomas Pocklington Trust are supporting entrepreneur Daniel Williams, Founder of Visualise Training and Consultancy and Dispensing Optician founder of Orbita Black Peter Black, to drive forward the message that no patient should be diagnosed with an eye condition and left to fend for themselves. This innovative and insightful course leaves optometrists and dispensing opticians empowered with knowledge to deliver the highest quality service to their VIPs (visually impaired patients).
Peter Corbett, CEO of Thomas Pocklington Trust said, “In short, we exist for people with sight loss, and we are really excited to support this accredited programme of Continuing Education and Training (CET) for eye care professionals”. He added “we hear all too often people who suffer irreversible sight loss later in life are told that ‘nothing more can be done’.” He went on to say, “this may be true of medical intervention; however all patients can benefit from sight loss rehabilitation and eye clinic liaison services and many from a low vision assessment. Our aim is to bring together the charity and health service organisations involved in rehabilitation with community optical practitioners to improve collaboration and cross referral for the benefit of patients to help them lead more independent lives.”
Daniel Williams, is striving to make the world more inclusive for those who have a visual impairment. Daniel has worked within the disability sector for over five years, providing employee retention, awareness training, mentoring, campaigning, fundraising and advocacy services. Daniel wants to facilitate the social change that will enable services to be more inclusive to those with disabilities. Daniel said “we are delighted to be embraced into the Pocklington family”
Peter Black, past president of the Association of British Dispensing Opticians, said “I know from family members and friends that low vision and VI services have become a postcode lottery across the UK with patients often slipping through the net and suffering mental health issues and a loss of independence as a result”. He went on to say “Opticians are a vital piece of the jigsaw and in just 2 hours ‘Seeing beyond the eyes’ provides registered opticians with enough insight into visual impairment to begin to make a real difference to the majority of the 2 million people living with sight loss in the UK.”
Peter added “the sessions deliver 6 interactive CET points empowering opticians to support and communicate effectively with VI patients and help them access the range of services and professionals within the sight loss sector via the correct referral pathways.” Peter added “so far the feedback has been brilliant and we have already seen increased referrals to blind associations and other organisations ensuring patients receive the correct information and support immediately.”
The CET Road show will be launching on 14th May 2018 at Pocklington Trust Hub in London and then 30 other events are scheduled UK wide and will take place at local Sight-loss associations or nearby venues. The 2-hour course will give Optometrists and Dispensing Opticians 6 interactive CET points whilst helping them to join up the dots in the sometimes confusing eye health sight loss pathway.
Hour 1
An Introduction to Visual Impairment
An introduction to visual impairment discusses the principle causes of sight loss in children, adults and the elderly and the associated symptoms in the initial and advanced stages. It discusses the problems visually impaired people experience even when visiting eye care practitioners and considers what reasonable adjustments should be made to better serve such patients. A unique perspective is provided by Daniel Williams who is registered severely sight impaired.
- Optom & DO: Communication; Standards of Practice;
- Optom: Ocular Diseas:
- DO: Low Vision; Ocular Abnormalities.
Hour 2
Saving sight, supporting sight loss
This 1 hour discussion workshop covers 4 cases concerning low vision or sight threatening eye conditions:
- A patient who has age related Macular Degeneration with low vision needs, and her concerned sisters who want advice for themselves.
- A veteran who has glaucoma has difficulty applying his drops, he has poor compliance.
- A patient presenting with classic symptoms of retinal detachment and why this is the number one cause of clinical fitness to practice cases and insurance claims
- A congenital aphakic patient, as an infant and as a young adult, and how failure to dispense properly can itself cause a patient to unnecessarily have low vision
- Optom & DO: Communication; Standards of Practice; Optical Appliances.
- Optom: Ocular Disease.
- DO: Low Vision; Pediatric Dispensing; Ocular Abnormalities.
Roselin Birhah BSc (Hons) MSc MCOptom, Dudley LOC CET Officer said “Dan Williams’ talk was a passionate and insightful representation of the various difficulties encountered by an individual with visual impairment (VI). I found the talk and video very practical and useful and I felt I gained a much deeper knowledge of how frustrating VI is for the individual concerned and realised how little society, even Optometry, does to make adequate provision for their sensory needs”
She went on “The aspect I enjoyed most about Dan’s talk was that he didn’t try and evoke pity or demonstrate anger and frustration, he simply offered and suggested practical guidance which left me keen to go out and do things better. I am grateful for his honesty and professionalism. He was a charming and effective speaker and I look forward to hearing him speak again in the future”.
Please search for a course in your area by clicking here and book as early as possible.
Please see below a list of location, dates and links to book on Eventbrite.
For more information on “Seeing Beyond the Eyes” Roadshow please contact:
Daniel Williams – 07472 305 268