Workplace Eye Health

This is workplace eye wellness month, and a great time to reassess your eye health. Are you doing all you can to protect your sight, whatever degree of vision, or visual impairment, you may have? It’s also an opportunity for employers to examine whether they’re doing all they can to ensure that staff with visual disabilities are supported in the workplace.

Good practice

Half of all sight loss is preventable. Promoting eye health in the workplace is often about things as simple and obvious as wearing the right eye protection (goggles, helmets, shields) to avoid the dangers of burns and chemical splashes.

Taking the strain

There are more hidden dangers associated with workplace environments. One in six reported eye problems is related to use of technology, and particularly computers. Following a few simple steps ensures screen work poses the minimum risk to your long-term vision.

To avoid persistent eye strain, sit at least 75cm from your screen, adjust its brightness, and try to rest your eyes every fifteen minutes or so, by taking regular five minute breaks. Also, strange as it may sound, remember to blink. Blinking frequently has been shown to reduce dry eye and maintain eye health.

Top tips

If you do find you’re increasingly having problems with your vision, it’s important not to ignore any symptoms. Many sight loss conditions can be treated effectively if diagnosed early. If you have a family history of genetic eye conditions, you really should be going for regular check-ups.  Also, if you have a sensitivity to sunlight, try wearing sunglasses to minimise any UV damage, and be aware that smoking can have long term impacts on your vision; you could use that, too, as an incentive for cutting down or quitting altogether.

Adaptive technologies

If you have a visual impairment, it’s important to know that sight loss does not mean job loss. Your employer has a responsibility to make reasonable workplace adjustments for visual impairment. Assistive technologies such as larger monitors, magnification software, adapted keyboard, screen readers and voice recognition software all support employees in fulfilling their roles.

For more information about maintaining eye health, or to learn more about workplace adjustments for people with a visual disability, contact Visualise: email us at or phone us on m. 07472 305 268

If you would like more information on workplace adjustments for people with low vision, or sight loss please consider booking a Visual Impairment Workplace Assessment.